Our faithful technology servants...

My Archer Power Strip - working steadily for over four decades

It's not often we reflect on the long-lasting, steady performance of technology-based gadgets. More often, the steady drumbeat of obsolescence dominates that space, as we find ourselves lusting after the new with a little guilt on how we will responsibly dispose of the old.

However, today I am acknowledging a simple power strip that has been on duty for over 40 years! I believe the Archer 4-outlet Power Strip pictured here is one I acquired about 1978, part of my first purchase of a personal computer. That computer, some may know, was an early Radio Shack TRS80, and it served me admirably as well. It was disposed of, following a youth de-construction project, which hopefully offered a learning experience. (I am describing the time-honored tradition of youngsters taking apart "old crap" in the interest of seeing a bit more about how things work.)

Archer - a Tandy (Radio Shack) brand, along with Realistic and ...
Anyway, the related power strip has moved around but continued on in dependable service to this day, most recently powering our modest home entertainment setup. (I say modest but still a lot of plugs!) It is has been replaced by the "new and improved" 6-outlet strip that became surplus in some other tech setup.

So I encourage you to look around and show a little gratitude for the things in your life that work, and then work and work and work some more! 
