Following up on Entrepreneur Symposium

Per my post yesterday ("Entrepreneur Symposium Tonight"), I am pleased to report that the event came off like clockwork, and made me very proud to be associated with both the University of Phoenix Idaho campus as well as a member of the Boise-area entrepreneurial community.

The outstanding panelists, along with an audience which was a mix of University of Phoenix staff, faculty and students, and also a large variety of business community members, made this a very stimulating evening.

My personal thanks to panelists: the serial entrepreneurs (Faisal Shah, Steve Hodges, Aaron Stanton) and up-and-coming entrepreneurs (Lee Flinn, Alina Vaynberg and Peter Vomocil), and panel moderator and event organizer Dr. Krissa Wrigley, of the University of Phoenix.

And now? So much to think about!!!
