Dan Terdiman (GreeterDan) of CNET has a piece (see "In search of a greener conference (and products)") on the new, greener Demo conference including a Tweeter photo (see above) of the conference documentation.

This year, the commercially-printed, often stylish and artful program guide has been replaced with "basic black" -- functional monochrome output (stapled but NOT duplexed) either laser printed or copied (though we know that distinction is disappearing, and I will be following up on the output device). This is the kind of evolution that printer companies like HP (NYSE HPQ) are targeting for growing or at least maintaining pages printed, with traditional typeset jobs moving in-house to office printers and MFPs. And as Terdiman points out, it's part of a green movement as well, because those old bound conference guides, as elegant as they were, most likely hit the dumpster in the days or weeks following the conference.
And the other side of that evolution (or more accurately the next stage of the continuum)? The attendee list, which was in recent years an office-printed and -stapled multi-page inclusion in the conference attendee bag, has now migrated to a Web-only existence, as the Demo Website continues to grow and broaden in its capabilities.

This year, the commercially-printed, often stylish and artful program guide has been replaced with "basic black" -- functional monochrome output (stapled but NOT duplexed) either laser printed or copied (though we know that distinction is disappearing, and I will be following up on the output device). This is the kind of evolution that printer companies like HP (NYSE HPQ) are targeting for growing or at least maintaining pages printed, with traditional typeset jobs moving in-house to office printers and MFPs. And as Terdiman points out, it's part of a green movement as well, because those old bound conference guides, as elegant as they were, most likely hit the dumpster in the days or weeks following the conference.
And the other side of that evolution (or more accurately the next stage of the continuum)? The attendee list, which was in recent years an office-printed and -stapled multi-page inclusion in the conference attendee bag, has now migrated to a Web-only existence, as the Demo Website continues to grow and broaden in its capabilities.