As many may have already read about, in The Wall Street Journal and elsewhere, about Guy Kawasaki's start-up "Web 2.0" business called Truemors. In true Guy fashion, he's doing things differently and being almost painfully honest about it. He provides an education on doing things on the cheap in a recent blog post, succinctly titled "By the Numbers: How I built a Web 2.0, User-Generated Content, Citizen Journalism, Long-Tail, Social Media Site for $12,107.09". And in a follow-up post today, he defends the $4,824 in legal fees that make up over a third of his overall outlay. (I find it hilarious -- and I'm sure Guy does too -- that he's having to defend under-$5K expenditure on legal fees as exorbitant, proving the old axiom that everything's relative!)
Despite his somewhat rocky road, Guy provides lots for us to learn in the printer industry -- including doing a start-up on the cheap! One other direct connection our business for which HP (NYSE HPQ) can take heart -- Guy shelled out $399 (about 3% of his overall budget) for the Truemors logo created by recent acquiree LogoWorks. (See above.)