My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It seemed like time once again for a nonfiction sports book, and this one fit the bill, with the "bonus" of providing current commentary on our national leadership situation. Author Rick Reilly, a favorite of mine from way back, starts off the book with a dedication, "This book is dedicated to the truth. It’s still a thing." And I am glad it's still a thing, and I think the book's title regarding "how golf explains..." is spot on, especially with the impeachment sentiment growing fast and POTUS's ongoing dodge on the Ukrainian situation to say nothing about all the related matters that are coming out daily. The book includes lots I didn't know about golf as well - starting with handicaps and course ratings, and the delving into course ownership and architecture. But it's the Commander in Cheat's lack of character and continual boasting and lying is what the book centers on, and I salute the courageous author for documenting so much of it.
Summing it up, as Reilly writes, "'Everything he does to the country now, as president, he did to us beforehand, in golf,' says a then-high-ranking LPGA official who doesn’t particularly want the most powerful man in the world knowing who she is.
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