Decades ago, even before I was involved directly with printers, the branch of the high-tech world where I worked (storage) often referred to $X/MB ratios. Many orders of magnitude have come and gone in that business -- for example, in the early 1980's HP shocked the world with a 400MB hard drive for a stunningly low $25,000! And of course, those same "orders" have come and gone in our printer industry as well.
CNET's Cheapskate blog's post
"Get a Brother HL-2140 laser printer for $49.98 shipped" makes me think back to those ratios for the first time in a long time, and how maybe the printer idustry will be crossing a dollar-per-ppm threshold sometime soon, if that means anything. Brother's 23ppm mono laser printer can be had for $50, meaning we're at a little over $2/ppm, again, if that's meaningful as anything other than as a geeky ratio.