The Idaho Statesman has a nice piece today wishing HP (NYSE HPQ) and its LaserJet printer a happy anniversary -- see "HP celebrates 25th anniversary of its LaserJet printer" in this morning's print edition (as well as online, of course). In the piece by Brad Talbutt, HP Executive Von Hansen is featured, and he recalls a few of the tales from the story of the first LaserJet, 25 years ago.
I wouldn't join the printer team at HP-Boise until 1986, and was working on the storage side (also in Boise) during the momentous Spring 1984 introduction of the first LaserJet. I attended that Atlanta-based COMDEX where the printer made its first public appearance, and while I don't remember it being quite the hit of the show that Hansen recalls, it certainly did get attention. And that attention even went beyond the name ("LaserJet"), which offended certain HP purists who a) didn't like the fact there really wasn't a "jet" involved in the product (it was a name improvised from recent HP inkjet products, see "Coining the term 'LaserJet'"), and b) were really more comfortable with numbers rather than names (see "Cold, Dead Fish").
What a great 25 years, and congrats Von, HP, and LaserJet, and all those other colleagues, past and present, who've played a part!
-- Jim Lyons
Congrats to all the folks who played a role over the past 25 years. This dynasty is stronger than the NY Yankees.