Danny Allen at PC World was having some fun recently with his piece on "A Digital Photo Frame That Goes Beyond Image".
By taking the best of what's out there in various photo frame and related products, Allen puts together a mash-up product that includes touchscreen capabilities, state-of-the-art network connectivity, built-in web cam, and a front-facing shortcut strip for frame controls, in addition to built-in printing. Reference products for the printing function are the SmartParts SP8PRT (see "Frame that prints") and the Keian P71-A2-JP, but he also mentions a Zink printing solution. The latter could be as announced at CES 2009, with Zink's partner agreement with Lite-On.
One of the comments to Allen's Geek Tech blog post includes mention of e-book reading capability, which came up during the holidays around my household, as one of several "Dr Frankenstein" ideas, for the multiple electronic photo frames given and received.