Ok, so bloggers blogging about blogs is one of the worst of all possible violations of blogging etiquette and also potentially a huge yawn (see above) -- I admit it! But every once in awhile I just have to do it.
So I'll make this short and since it's Friday afternoon maybe I can get away with it! Our hometown newspaper, the Idaho Statesman, has a Page One story today on business blogging that I feel part of for several reasons! One of the featured agencies, Blueline Grassroots Marketing, helped me get started on my "serious" blog just a year ago, at the conference mentioned in the piece. So thanks Blueline! And Cendesic Marketing provides some great business blogging tips in the sidebar -- I should know, I helped craft and test them, along with Cendesic's founder, Oliver Fritsch! In the spirit of full disclosure, in addition to my journalism/blogging activities evident here, I'm a partner with Cendesic.
The tips given in your sidebar are all excellent. I would add one: Never let a mention like the Statesman story go unnoted on your business blog.
When I checked this morning, none of the blogs cited in the story had mentioned that fact on their blogs. It was (and remains for the rest of today) a golden opportunity to welcome readers who are linking to those sites for the first time.
Julie, you must have missed my blog post this morning titled Blogging in Idaho. I commented on the nice piece they wrote about our company about five hours before you posted the comment above. Click on my name... you'll see it.
Self serving? Yes. Worth it? Remains to be seen.
My comment earlier had the wrong URL but that's ok -- go there now for a little interesting dialog on "the cost of blogging"