My collection of Kindle Fires - one of each size |
I have been waiting to use that song lyric/title in SOMETHING on social media. When finally it occurred to me that I have a nice stairstep collection of Kindle Fires, each in a different size and color, I had my subject!
For now, it's also a chance to get back to something in blogging world. Other than my short book reviews, which I have been slow to produce lately too, my posts have dwindled to near zero. My topic of how the fax has played into the pandemic story had appeal, but that's now old news. Likewise, a few other tidbits have made me think blog post, but like with many things during these crazy times, for me at least, they don't get done.
So here it is...a Monday-morning color fest, and a rock-and-roll caption to go with. Does that work?