Love the Back Tap. New button on your kidding!

Find the article on The Verge website

It's not a "back rub" which might sound pretty good right about now, but the "Back Tap" and it's good too. Much more of a treat with this trick.. It's a new iPhone capability that comes about from iOS14, which we all have upgraded to, right?

Thanks to a great article from The Verge by Chaim Gartenberg  - as the "Button of the Month" for October - I have now enabled Back Tap to get those screen shots from my iPhone that I often struggle with. Now, it's just a tap-tap on the back of my iPhone 8, rubber case and all. And given the large choice of functions potentially enabled with the double-tap, it makes me think about how I will use my triple-tap option!

Find under Accessibility and Touch, at the very bottom...

Scroll down the next list to find your choice to activate with two (or three) back taps...


Pondering my Triple Tap choices...

Happy Halloween and Happy Back Tapping!
